Landmarks Commission

The Landmarks Preservation Commission advises the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment on matters affecting historically and architecturally significant property, structures and areas. The Commission is tasked with surveying historic sites and districts in Montgomery Township and preparing a list and official map for inclusion in the Master Plan.  They must keep a register of all designated historic sites and advise on proposed National Register nominations. They hold public hearings and review applications for construction, alteration, removal or demolition affecting proposed or designated historic sites within historic districts and consider applications for Certificates of Hardship. They report to the Township Committee on the state of historic preservation in the Township and to recommend measures to improve the same.

Meetings: The Landmarks Commission generally meets on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM. 

Upcoming Meetings

If you are interested in being considered for a volunteer position with us, apply using our Online Volunteer Application.

Membership: Members of the Landmarks Commission are resident volunteers appointed by the Mayor.

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Staff Support Liaison

Assistant Planning Director
(908) 533-9301
Township Committee Member
(908) 533-9190

Community Center

Otto Kaufman
356 Skillman Road
Skillman, NJ 08558
(609) 466-3023

Main Offices


Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (908) 359-3222