Engineering Permits

The Engineering Department reviews site work outside of your house or building, including work that coincides with Building and Zoning Permit applications. We issue Street / Right-of-Way Opening Permits (application includes Driveway Construction Permits), Soil Disturbance and Hauling Permits, and Tree Removal Applications. The Engineering Department staff reviews grading, land disturbance (clearing, tree removal, soil disturbance), soil importing and exporting, sidewalks, curbs, driveways, stormwater/drainage, development in environmentally sensitive areas, traffic control, sewer connections, and other forms of land use.

If you are not sure whether or not a permit is required, please call us to ask. Applications are typically reviewed within 10 business days.

Community Center

Otto Kaufman
356 Skillman Road
Skillman, NJ 08558
(609) 466-3023

Main Offices


Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: (908) 359-3222